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Suite Spot

From dining perks to room upgrades, we offer unique experiences along with exclusive benefits for suite bookings. Each is tailored to our Houses and hotels so there is always something new to explore. Enjoy up to 40% off with complimentary breakfast for two at The Opposite House.

From dining perks to room upgrades, we offer exciting yet unexpected experiences along with exclusive benefits for suite booking. Enjoy a 30% or 40% off with complimentary breakfast for two at The Opposite House.


       30% off for Suite 95 / 40% off for Suite 115

       Complimentary daily breakfast for two

       Late check-out at 2 p.m.

       Complimentary parking

Explore Our Latest Offers


Epicurean Experience

Stay at our House with an epicurean experience to rediscover your passion for food and drinks in our award-winning restaurants and bars.

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One More Time

Celebrate with us one last time on June 29th and 30th, with a special stay that includes entry to our closing party and a final breakfast at Frasca in the morning.

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The House Standard

Get away from the city’s hustle and bustle with a relaxing stay with us at Houses. Enjoy The House Standard retail rate without any prepayment required.

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