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Suite Spot

From dining perks to room upgrades, we offer exciting yet unexpected experiences along with exclusive benefits with each suite booking. Enjoy an exclusive 20% off with two complimentary daily breakfasts when staying with us at The Temple House.

Terms & Conditions

  • Subject to availability
  • Please refer to the booking interface of the official website for specific room types and dates
  • If you're interested in more information to make a reservation, please call us at +86 28 6636 9999
  • Cancellation is allowed before 4pm one day prior to the day of arrival to avoid the first night accommodation's penalty.

Explore Our Latest Offers


Moonlit Discoveries

Designed as a collection of "Travel Journey Guide", our Moonlit Discoveries mooncake box sets for 2024 celebrate Mid- Autumn as a time for reunion and also for discovery as you explore a city – new or familiar – under the moonlit sky. 

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Early Bird Offer

Escape the hustle and bustle of the city by indulging in a relaxing stay at our House. Take advantage of our exclusive Early Bird Offer and secure your booking to enjoy a 15% discount on our House's standard rate.

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The Breakfast Club

Start your day right with a delicious breakfast available exclusively through direct booking.  

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